It Is Now Easy To Own an I-CAT Approved E Rickshaw

e rickshaw

The government has put in place certain norms and accreditation in the form of I-CAT which denotes the international centre for automotive technology and is based in Manesar. The aim of setting up such a facility is manifold.

  • The world is moving very fast to adopt cutting edge technology in the field of vehicle and component development. A body such as the I-CAT is required to assist the auto sector to keep abreast of international requirements.
  • Technology services are undergoing massive changes in recent times. It is a mandate that innovation needs to be guided and monitored according to the latest international guidelines in line with pollution laws and safety measures.
  • Team work and high commitment levels is driven by the need to build technical expertise.
  • Customer delight is the most important need for industry today. It is imperative to strive to deliver high quality services to the customer.
  • Research and development is the main aim of setting up this facility. It aims to reach the pinnacle of adherence to world accepted automotive norms.

The government has made the I-CAT norms as the basis of mandatory quality requirements for e-rickshaws.

Why should a micro entrepreneur buy e rickshaw?

The need for a socially acceptable and legal means of livelihood is easily attainable with an e rickshaw. The entrepreneur finds it easy to buy e rickshaw as the cost is supremely affordable, the running and maintenance are negligible. Charging the e rickshaw can turn free in a couple of years if you have the space and know how to install a solar grid.

The e rickshaw is comparatively safer than a conventional auto rickshaw. It is light weight and easily manoeuvred in small spaces, making it the best choice in smaller towns with small alley ways and lanes. It does not carry fuel so the flammable quotient is negligible. It is easy to charge at any place where there is adequate voltage stability.

The do’s and don’ts of buying an i-CAT approved e rickshaw

The rickshaw is still not an approved means of transport in parts of India, but a lot of progress has been made in this field to get approval from state agencies to allow them to ply. These e rickshaws also find acceptance in many Asian countries as a popular means of transport across short distances. It is non-polluting and uses cheap renewable fuel. The batteries are amenable to recycling and do a lot towards controlling industrial waste. The only issue with e rickshaws is that are a lot of non-conforming imported versions that are not up to the mark and crowd the space, making it difficult to get government approvals for indigenous well-constructed models also.