What is the prime and foremost problem that strikes your mind when you think of an over congested city? It definitely has to be the pathetic condition of the traffic on the streets of the city. With cars and vehicles everywhere, it does become a matter of hassle to travel past the streets of these cities. A Toto battery rickshaw might prove to be a savior in this case. Toto is the local name that is provided to a battery operated rickshaw not just in India, but in several other parts of the world.

If you think of pointing out the names of a few places apart from the streets of India where you might come across a battery operated rickshaw, you can bring about the mention of places like Bangkok and Cairo. These are some of the most famous places, where e rickshaws have been used a vital means of transportation among various other vehicles that seem to add on to the congestion of the places. In fact these have become a hot favorite of citizens who have been looking for an alternative transportation option than that of a taxi. Being of a comparatively smaller size, these automobiles can swiftly man oeuvre through the congested lanes with ease. Moreover, the travelling costs are much less compared to that of a taxi. Continue reading Totos Are A Silver Lining for Poor Countries across the Globe →