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Are Electric Scooters Worth the Hype? Let Us Find Out

Are Electric Scooters Worth the Hype? Let Us Find Out

When buying electric-powered scooters from manufacturers, we always have confusion about whether it is worth the investment or not. Read along to clear the confusion.

Did you know that electric powered scooters have been in business since 1996? Shocked right? The truth is these convenient modes of transport have already been introduced but the uptick in its popularity came much later. With many e-scooter rental companies devouring the market, the surge in demand for electric scooters has been increasing every single day. There has been a constant debate on whether this vehicle is worth buying or not, so we are here to make you aware of the benefits of owning an e-bike. 

Planning to invest in your first bike? The best option for you is to purchase an electric powered scooter. Want to know why? We will give you enough reasons to support our choice. 

Here are some advantages of buying electric-powered scooters from reputed manufacturers in Kolkata:- 

1. Ease of Assembly:

E scooters are much easier to assemble than traditional scooters. Most of the models can be assembled in less than 15 minutes. All you need to do is to attach the handle grips, charge the battery, and you are all set to take your first ride.

2. Saves Your Time:-

These scooters are convenient and usually small in size that can power through small lanes, bylanes, and also pass through traffic congestion. So, you get the advantage of reaching your place quicker and faster. 

3. Easy Portability:

These are lightweight and can easily be carried on buses, trains, or the subway. And if you happen to have the foldable option you know you even store them in compact spaces. 

4. Affordability:-

An electric scooter certainly costs far less than a motorcycle or a car. If you feel you can even purchase from a high-end brand or settle for e scooters that weigh light on your pockets. 

5. License Requirements:-

Electric scooters can operate at a limited speed and hence many cities do not require you to have a license which again is a benefit. However, for safety, you need to be proficient in riding e scooters well and abide by local electric scooter regulations. 

6. Low Maintenance:-

The overall ownership of the e scooter over a period of 5-6 months will cost you half of the petrol-fuelled vehicle. Automatically your maintenance cost also reduces as the moving parts in an e scooter are lesser than that of a traditional scooter. 

With electric-powered vehicles the most important advantage is you get a greener, cleaner, and pollution-free environment. 

Purchase quality electric scooters from Plaudit, the leading electric scooter supplier in Kolkata. The brand guarantees quality products that are secure and lasts long without frequent servicing. So whether you want to resort to a safer, environmentally friendly option or just to explore your last-mile journey. An e scooter should always be your first choice.