E rickshaws emerged as a cheaper alternative in the year 2011 and are running strong since then. Know from e rickshaw dealers in Kolkata the benefits of using Lithium-ion batteries.
Battery-powered vehicles like e rickshaws are driving the automobile market with its massive demand. There are two important factors that are contributing to the growth of the e rickshaw market in India. The first being the decrease in the price of batteries and secondary increased support from the government in terms of monetary incentives. E rickshaw suppliers in Kolkata are providing these vehicles not only as passenger carriers but also as load carriers. Cargo e rickshaws have become a critical addition due to their ability to carry enormous quantities of the load. Additionally, both passenger and cargo e rickshaws are extremely economical in use, making them the go-to choice for customers.
Current Trends In The Electrical Vehicle Industry:
From the time of its inception to this day, the demand for alternate transport systems has been on the increase. The great scope of the electric vehicle sector has also drawn many suppliers as it has become a priority sector now.
- Growing demands for e rickshaws with a higher battery capacity
- Increase in the use of Lithium-ion batteries
- The rise in e rickshaws and cargo e rickshaw on Indian roads for a greener environment
- GST driven consolidation to provide an opportunity for the organized player
Lithium-Ion Batteries Over Lead Acetate Batteries For E Rickshaws:
These days, buyers are in confusion about whether to go for Li batteries or Lead acetate batteries for their e rickshaws. When choosing, he should pay attention to the battery life, cost and warranty offered.
According to e rickshaw dealers in Kolkata, here is what you should know:
Attributes Of Lead Acetate Batteries:
- Lead is carcinogenic and hence is not a safe option.
- The construction of a lead acetate battery makes it extremely bulkier than any other variant. With five 100 ah batteries, the weight of the e rickshaws would add up to 120 kg weight.
- The shelf life of the batteries is only three years
- The minimum charging time is about 6-8 hours which means its needs to be plugged in overnight
Attributes Of Lithium (Li) Ion Batteries:
- These batteries are often termed green batteries due to their eco-friendliness
- The design of Li batteries are very compact and does not use too much space
- Charging time is also lower and you will only need 2-3 hours to charge it completely.
- It is lighter and five 100ah batteries will cost around 40 kgs
- The batteries have a warranty for a year and the shelf life is nearly 6 years.
Thus, the use of Li batteries are increasing due to better features, low cost, and extended shelf life.
If you want to deal in electric vehicles, approaching Plaudit, the prominent battery-operated e rickshaw distributor and manufacturer in Kolkata will be the best idea. Visit their website for more information and recent updates.